Monday, December 13, 2010

How To Become a Sexy & Self-Confident Women

1. Empower Yourself - You are greater being than you probably think you are. Take some time to assess your strong points, your skills and abilities and multiply them by 100! You are always your own worst critic so give yourself some credit- you are awesome!

2. Walk this Way - Take a day to examine the way that you walk. Do you take small, shuffling steps or fling your arms around when you walk? Well if you do, it's time for some Vitamin C, and I don't mean the Vitamin C you find in your morning orange juice! It's time for a burst of Confidence! You may be doing something sub-consciously that does not really compliment your style so now its time to be aware of how you walk. Be quick and energetic with a spring in your step.

3. The Smile behind the Eyes - Smile as often as you can and, if you can manage, let a tiny smile hang around the corners of your mouth. In all your interactions, look people in the eye, greet them and smile. You'll see the other person transform in front of you.

4. Be Empathic - Your confidence levels rise drastically when you successfully connect with people around you. You need to be empathic towards your family, friends and colleagues. Once you are able to help other people with their emotions and problems, you immediately increase your influence with your circle of friends, acquaintances and colleagues.

5. Knowledge is Power - Knowledge almost always boosts self-confidence. Bikini Models not only empower themselves with knowledge of their immediate surroundings but of the world around them. A good grasp of current events will make you sounds worldly and helps you strike up meaningful conversations.

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